Currently, about 24 pairs of trains operate between Beijing and Qinhuangdao every day, including five D trains, four G trains, ten K trains, three T trains, and two Z trains. G trains and D trains are both high-speed trains.
Beijing-Qinhuangdao High-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Distance: 299-388 kilometers (186-241 miles)
- Terminals: Beijing South Railway Station, Qinhuangdao Railway Station, Beijing Railway Station
- Duration: about 2-2½ hours
- Main stops: Tianjin, Binhai, Tangshan, Beidaihe
Beijing to Qinhuangdao High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on March 27th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G8927 | 09:26 | 11:17 | 1h 51m |
C115 | 11:12 | 14:01 | 2h 39m |
G8929 | 14:29 | 16:14 | 1h 45m |
D571 | 14:38 | 16:42 | 2h 4m |
D6609 | 18:32 | 20:53 | 2h 21m |
The timetable above is for your reference only. Check out the Beijing to Qinhuangdao up-to-date schedules.
Qinhuangdao to Beijing High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on March 27th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G8924 | 07:21 | 09:32 | 2h 11m |
D502 | 09:37 | 11:45 | 2h 8m |
D506 | 11:07 | 13:18 | 2h 11m |
C116 | 14:26 | 17:13 | 2h 47m |
D572 | 17:30 | 19:25 | 1h 55m |
G8932 | 20:45 | 22:46 | 2h 1m |
Beijing-Qinhuangdao High-Speed Train Ticket Fares
Business Class | First Class | Second Class |
US$80 (CNY552.5) | US$42 (CNY290) | US$26 (CNY174.5) |
Beijing-Qinhuangdao Normal-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Terminals: Beijing Railway Station and Qinhuangdao Railway Station
- Duration: 3½–7 hours
- Main stops: Beidaihe, Tangshan, Yanjiao
Beijing to Qinhuangdao Normal-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on March 27th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
K580 | 07:27 | 11:54 | 4h 27m |
K4218 | 08:29 | 13:52 | 5h 23m |
K4493 | 14:02 | 18:46 | 4h 44m |
K7718 | 17:21 | 21:45 | 4h 24m |
K960 | 22:46 | 02:19 (next day) | 3h 33m |
The timetable above is for your reference only. Check out the Beijing to Qinhuangdao up-to-date schedules.
Qinhuangdao to Beijing Normal-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on March 27th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
T298 | 07:35 | 11:07 | 3h 32m |
Y510 | 13:13 | 16:45 | 3h 32m |
2602 | 16:28 | 23:30 | 7h 2m |
K7718 | 17:21 | 21:45 | 4h 24m |
K960 | 22:46 | 02:19 (next day) | 3h 33m |
Beijing-Qinhuangdao Normal-Speed Train Ticket Fares
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
US$20 (CNY135.5) | US$13 (CNY89.5) | US$7 (CNY43.5) |
Train Travel Tips
D trains and G trains between Beijing and Qinhuangdao have similar running times, which is about 2 to 2½ hours for a single journey.
However, it is cheaper and more convenient to take D high-speed trains between Beijing and Qinhuangdao. The ticket prices for D trains are cheaper than for G trains.
In addition, D trains depart from Beijing Railway Station, which is 4 kilometers from the Forbidden City. It is closer to Beijing city center than Beijing South Railway Station is.