Currently, there are 40 pairs of trains between Lanzhou and Zhangye, including 12 pairs of high-speed trains and 30 pairs of normal-speed trains. As two important cities on Ancient Silk Road, the trains between these two cities are more then enough, especially Lanzhou is capital city of Ganshu Province. High-speed train service is paused at present.
Lanzhou-Zhangye High-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Distance: 500 kilometers (about 311 miles)
- Terminals: Zhangye West Railway Station, Lanzhou West Railway Station
- Duration:4-4½ hours
Lanzhou to Zhangye High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 18th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
D2751 |
06:48 |
11:19 |
4 h 31 min |
D55 |
08:35 |
12:38 |
4 h 03 min |
D2741 |
14:18 |
18:35 |
4 h 17 min |
D2757 |
16:20 |
20:37 |
4 h 17 min |
Please note: The trains listed above are only some of the ones in operation. The timetable is just for your reference.
If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.
Zhangye to Lanzhou High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 18th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
D2742 |
09:38 |
13:51 |
4 h 13 min |
D56 |
15:49 |
20:20 |
4 h 31 min |
D2708 |
19:12 |
23:38 |
4 h 26 min |
D2746 |
19:45 |
23:52 |
4 h 07 min |
Lanzhou to Zhangye High-Speed Train Ticket Fares
First Class | Second Class |
¥239 ($35) |
¥149.5 ($22) |
Lanzhou-Zhangye Normal-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Terminals: Zhangye Railway Station, Lanzhou Railway Station
- Duration: 5½ to 7 hours
Lanzhou to Zhangye Normal-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 18th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
Z6205 |
07:46 |
12:38 |
4h 52m |
T197 |
11:55 |
17:21 |
5h 26m |
Z41 |
16:05 |
21:27 |
5h 22m |
K9661 |
21:58 |
03:55 (next day) |
5h 57m |
- Please note: The trains listed above are only some of the ones in operation. The timetable is just for your reference.
- If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.
Zhangye to Lanzhou Normal-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 18th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
T4564 |
00:04 |
06:01 |
5h 57m |
T6602 |
00:59 |
06:58 |
5h 59m |
T270 |
02:56 |
08:45 |
5h 49m |
Z306 |
09:25 |
14:53 |
5h 28m |
Lanzhou to Zhangye Normal-Speed Train Ticket Fares
Superior Soft Sleeper | Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
US$53 (CNY372) | US$29 (CNY205) | US$19 (CNY133) | US$11 (CNY75) |
- Please pay attention to the stations in Lanzhou and Zhangye. High-speed trains and normal-speed trains start from/end at different stations. Make sure you find the right station, especially when you have connecting train.
- For normal-speed trains, there are 3 or 4 different types. Z trains are the fastest while K trains are slowest. When the available choices are as much as possible, please consider Z trains in priority.
- The fare of soft sleeper on normal-speed trains are even a little lower than that of first class seat on high-speed trains. Thus, if you schedule available, maybe you can consider taking a soft sleeper on normal-speed train. You can lie down for several hours to have a short rest.
- It is more than 12 kilometers from Lanzhou West Railway Station to city center area. Please find the public Transportation to and from Lanzhou West Railway Station:
- take subway Line 2;
- take public buses (Line 1/5/18/31/35/50/53/77/88/105/106/127/129/132/136/137/157/158/606/b1/q77/k102)
- Lanzhou Railway Station is right in city center area of Lanzhou, which is very convenient.
- It is about 40 kilometers (24 miles) from Zhangye Railway Station to Danxia National Geological Park.
-rent a car in local area, the price is about CNY300 per car (4-seat or 5-seat vehicle).
-take a public bus New Line 1 from Zhangye West Railway station to Zhangye West Long-distance Bus Terminal and then take a long-distance bus to Danxia National Geological. The price is about CNY30 for single trip.
-take a public bus Line 1 from Zhangye Railway Station to Zhangye West Long-distance Bus Terminal and then take a long-distance bus to Danxia National Geological. The price is about CNY30 for single trip.