Currently, 28 pairs of trains operate between Nanchang and Fuzhou, including 26 pairs of high-speed trains and two pairs of normal-speed trains. The journey duration on a high-speed train is only about 3 to 3½ hours so we highly recommend you consider taking one of these instead of a normal-speed train.
Nanchang-Fuzhou High-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Distance: 547-618 kilometers (340-384 miles)
- Terminals: Nanchang West Railway Station, Fuzhou Railway Station
- Duration: 3-3½ hours
- Main stop: Fuzhou
Nanchang to Fuzhou High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 18th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
D3303 | 07:00 | 10:44 | 3h 44m |
G5314 | 08:05 | 11:10 | 3h 5m |
D6505 | 10:41 | 14:22 | 3h 41m |
G4208 | 13:29 | 16:37 | 3h 8m |
G647 | 14:22 | 18:09 | 3h 47m |
G5065 | 16:51 | 23:42 | 6h 51m |
If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.
Fuzhou to Nanchang High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 18th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G1756 | 06:53 | 09:58 | 3h 5m |
G5067 | 07:27 | 14:07 | 6h 40m |
D2226 | 08:47 | 12:35 | 3h 48m |
G1688 | 10:57 | 14:52 | 3h 55m |
G4206 | 12:55 | 16:47 | 3h 52m |
G1412 | 17:18 | 20:17 | 2h 59m |
Nanchang to Fuzhou High-Speed Train Ticket Fares
Business Class | First Class | Second Class |
US$119 (CNY830.5) | US$64 (CNY443) | US$38 (CNY263) |
Nanchang-Fuzhou Normal-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Terminals: Fuzhou Railway Station, Nanchang Railway Station, Nanchang West Railway Station
- Duration: 4-10½ hours
- Main stop: Fuzhou
Nanchang to Fuzhou Normal-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 18th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
K1267 | 13:09 | 19:38 | 6h 29m |
Z391 | 13:56 | 18:03 | 4h 7m |
Please note: The timetable is just for your reference. If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.
Fuzhou to Nanchang Normal-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 18th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
Z392 | 09:13 | 14:14 | 5h 1m |
K1268 | 10:45 | 16:41 | 5h 56m |
Nanchang to Fuzhou Normal-Speed Train Ticket Fares
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
US$29 (CNY205) | US$19 (CNY133) | US$11 (CNY75) |
Travel Tips
Please pay attention to the stations when you take a normal-speed train in Nanchang as they operate at two different stations.
As it is such a short journey duration on a high-speed train, we don't recommend taking a flight. The journey duration on a flight is almost 2 hours and the airfare is about 788 CNY. Moreover, you have to consider the time it takes to get to and from the airports.
Station Information
It is about 18 kilometers (11 miles) from Nanchang West Railway Station to the downtown area. If you take a taxi, it costs about 50 CNY and takes about 30 minutes. Use the following public transportation to get to the station:
- Public buses: 233, 503, 512, 522, 707, and 708
- Buses: high-speed express bus lines 1 and 2, airport bus line 1
- Metro line: 2