Shenzhen-Yangshuo Trains
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Shenzhen-Yangshuo Trains

Written by Fabio Updated Jul. 5, 2021

There is only one pair of high-speed trains operating between Shenzhen and Yangshuo.

Quick Facts

  • Distance: 539 kilometers (335 miles)
  • Terminals: Shenzhen North Railway Station, Yangshuo Railway Station
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Main stops: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Yangshuo

Shenzhen to Yangshuo High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on April 26th, 2024)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G2908 12:59 15:31 2h 32m

Please note: This timetable is just for reference. If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.

Yangshuo to Shenzhen High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on April 26th, 2024)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G2929 11:25 14:03 2h 38m
G2961 14:25 17:33 3h 8m

Shenzhen to Yangshuo High-Speed Train Ticket Prices

Business Class First Class Second Class
US$84 (CNY 641.5) US$44 (CNY 352.5) US$30 (CNY 232.5)

How to Transfer in the Same Station Quickly

When arriving at and departing from the same station, you can transfer directly between the trains within the station and go straight to the waiting hall for your next train. There is no need to go outside the station and do the security check again.

You can find the "Transfer (直接换乘)" signs on the ground or around the platforms, then follow them to reach the waiting hall. It is better to have the next train's schedule to hand so that you can show it to a staff member if you need help. 

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