Currently, 42 pairs of high-speed trains and 27 pairs of normal-speed trains operate between Shijiazhuang and Taiyuan daily so there are more than enough choices. The journey duration when taking a high-speed train is about 1½ hours.
It only takes about 2-3 hours when traveling on a normal-speed train. If you would like a berth to have a short rest, you can consider buying a sleeper ticket on a normal-speed train.
Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan High-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Distance: 210-538 kilometers (130-334 miles)
- Terminals: Shijiazhuang Railway Station, Taiyuan South Railway Station
- Duration: 1½ hours
Shijiazhuang to Taiyuan High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 5th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G621 | 08:37 | 10:06 | 1h 29m |
D1640 | 14:54 | 16:49 | 1h 55m |
G2605 | 17:47 | 19:16 | 1h 29m |
G2601 | 21:19 | 22:41 | 1h 22m |
- Please note: The trains listed above are only some of the ones in operation. The timetable is just for your reference.
- If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.
Taiyuan to Shijiazhuang High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 5th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G602 | 06:42 | 08:09 | 1h 27m |
D1666 | 10:50 | 12:11 | 1h 21m |
D1676 | 13:22 | 14:49 | 1h 27m |
G626 | 17:07 | 18:38 | 1h 31m |
Shijiazhuang to Taiyuan High-Speed Train Ticket Fares
Business Class | First Class | Second Class |
US$32 (CNY215) | US$17 (CNY115) | US$11 (CNY71.5) |
Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Normal-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Terminals: Taiyuan Railway Station/Taiyuan South Railway Station, Shijiazhuang North Railway Station
- Duration: 2–3 hours
Shijiazhuang to Taiyuan Normal-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 5th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
K1807 | 09:00 | 11:28 | 2h 28m |
T175 | 16:19 | 18:31 | 2h 12m |
T7 | 20:04 | 22:02 | 1h 58m |
Z277 | 22:44 | 00:28 (next day) | 1h 44m |
- Please note: The trains listed above are only some of the ones in operation. The timetable is just for your reference..
- If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.
Taiyuan to Shijiazhuang Normal-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 5th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
Z56 | 09:06 | 10:58 | 1h 52m |
Z198 | 19:58 | 21:52 | 1h 54m |
Z192 | 20:58 | 23:02 | 2h 4m |
Z358 | 22:15 | 00:21 (next day) | 2h 6m |
Shijiazhuang to Taiyuan Normal-Speed Train Ticket Fares
Superior Soft Sleeper | Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
US$32 (CNY219.5) | US$19 (CNY125.5) | US$13 (CNY83.5) | US$6 (CNY37.5) |
Station Information
It is about 12 kilometers (7 miles) from Taiyuan South Railway Station to the downtown area. The following public buses operate to the station: 51, 501, 502, 807, 824, 849, 861, and 868.