Tianjin-Hong Kong Trains
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Tianjin-Hong Kong Trains

Written by Fabio Updated Mar. 27, 2024

Currently, there is only one pair of direct high-speed trains running between Tianjin and Hong Kong. It takes about 10 hours for a single trip.  

Normal-speed overnight sleeper trains are unavailable between the cities. There is one pair of normal-speed trains between Beijing and Hong Kong. If you prefer to travel on an overnight sleeper train, you can transfer in Beijing first.

Quick Facts

  • Distance: about 2,560 kilometers (1,591 miles)
  • Terminals: Tianjin West Railway Station, Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station
  • Duration: about 10 hours
  • Main stops: Shijiazhuang, Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Hengyang, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Futian

Tianjin to Hong Kong High-Speed Train Schedule

(Updated on March 27th, 2024)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G305 11:05 21:45 10h 40m

For up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.

Hong Kong to Tianjin High-Speed Train Schedule

(Updated on March 27th, 2024)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G306 09:48 20:16 10h 28m

Tianjin to Hong Kong High-Speed Train Ticket Fares

Business Class First Class Second Class
US$525 (CNY3,700.5) US$270 (CNY1,899.5) US$169 (CNY1,188)

Hong Kong High-Speed Train Ticket Tips

Inside Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station, Hong Kong Port Area is located on floor B2 and the mainland Port Area is on floor B3. Passengers traveling between Hong Kong and Chinese mainland on high-speed trains can go through the adjacent entry and exit immigration channels there.

Therefore, for trains running from the mainland to Hong Kong, the immigration checks are processed at Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station after the trip. 

China Railway currently offers an e-ticket service for most of the high-speed trains. Passengers can show their Chinese ID or passports to go through the security check and board the trains without having to collect paper train tickets.

However, for all Hong Kong tickets, you have to collect your paper tickets in advance. Hong Kong high-speed trains are not supported with an e-ticket service yet. Please leave time to collect your paper tickets at the train station.

Hong Kong train tickets have a special change and cancelation policy. For other domestic train tickets, it is possible to change your ticket to a later train on the same departure day, as long as there are available tickets.

However, Hong Kong train tickets cannot be changed in this way and China Railway refuses any change requests. It is smart to arrive at the correct departure railway station at least 1 hour in advance of the trip.

Ticket Type Hong Kong Tickets Other China Train Tickets
Change the Ticket The ticket is invalid after the train has departed from the station. It is possible to change the ticket to a later train for the same cost if there are tickets available for a later train on the same departure day.
Cancelation Fee More than 15 days, pay a 5% cancelation fee
2–15 days, pay a 30% cancelation fee
2–48 hours, pay a 50% cancelation fee
More than 15 days, no cancelation fee
More than 48 hours, pay a 5% cancelation fee
24–48 hours, pay a 10% cancelation fee
1–24 hours, pay a 20% cancelation fee
E-Ticket Service You need to collect your paper tickets in advance. Most G/C/D high-speed trains support e-tickets. For normal-speed trains, you need to collect your paper tickets in advance.
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