Currently, two pairs of high-speed trains run daily between Xi'an and Fuzhou. The journey duration is around 10 hours.
Xi'an-Fuzhou High-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Distance: 2,027 kilometers (1,260 miles)
- Terminals: Xi'an North Railway Station, Fuzhou Railway Station
- Duration: 10-10½ hours
- Main stops: Huashan, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Hefei, Huangshan, Shangrao
Xi'an to Fuzhou High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 30th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G1904 | 11:00 | 21:19 | 10h 19m |
G862 | 12:10 | 21:50 | 9h 40m |
If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.
Fuzhou to Xi'an High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on May 30th, 2023)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G1902 | 08:12 | 18:14 | 10h 2m |
G860 | 11:13 | 21:05 | 9h 52m |
Xi'an to Fuzhou High-Speed Train Ticket Fares
Business Class | First Class | Second Class |
US$391 (CNY2,762.5) | US$205 (CNY1,444) | US$125 (CNY882.5) |
Travel Tip
You can also consider taking a flight. Over six pairs of flights operate between Xi'an and Fuzhou every day and the journey duration is about 2½ hours. The full airfare is about 1,530 CNY (US$219).