Shanghai to Zhengzhou daytime high-speed trains (G trains) take 4 to 5 hours to travel 1000 kilometers (620 miles) with the top speed of 300 km/h (186 mph). They all depart from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, except G2616, which departs from Shanghai Railway Station, and arrive at Zhengzhou East Railway Station.
There are overnight high-speed trains and normal-speed overnight trains from Shanghai to Zhengzhou and vicec versa, with different runnning times.
Shanghai-Zhengzhou High-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Distance: 1,000 kilometers (620 miles)
- Terminals of daytime G trains: Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station (上海虹桥站), Zhengzhou Railway Station (郑州站), Zhengzhou East Railway Station (郑州东站)
- Terminals of overnight D trains: Shanghai Railway Station (上海站), Zhengzhou East Railway Station (郑州东站)
- Duration: daytime G trains: 4 to 5 hours; overnight D trains: 8.5 hours
- Main stops: Shanghai Hongqiao/Shanghai, Kunshan South, Zhenjiang South, Nanjing South, Xuzhou East, Zhengzhou East
Shanghai to Zhengzhou High-Speed Train Schedule
(Updated on April 7th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G1970 | 06:10 | 11:09 | 4h 59m |
G3180 | 06:41 | 12:29 | 5h 48m |
G1986 | 07:19 | 12:57 | 5h 38m |
G3288 | 07:49 | 13:37 | 5h 48m |
G1806 | 09:09 | 14:03 | 4h 54m |
G1948 | 10:15 | 15:03 | 4h 48m |
G3252 | 13:46 | 19:52 | 6h 6m |
G2612 | 15:53 | 22:01 | 6h 8m |
G368 | 19:05 | 22:54 | 3h 49m |
- In total 46 daytime bullet trains from Shanghai to Zhengzhou. Trains listed above are some of them. The timetable above is for your reference only. Please note that they terminate at different train stations.
- Check Shanghai to Zhengzhou up-to-date schedules.
Zhengzhou to Shanghai High-Speed Train Schedule
(Updated on April 7th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G1801 | 07:39 | 12:59 | 5h 20m |
G370 | 08:28 | 12:31 | 4h 3m |
G1816 | 10:20 | 15:20 | 5h |
G3251 | 11:30 | 17:27 | 5h 57m |
G1918 | 11:45 | 16:43 | 4h 58m |
G3286 | 13:55 | 19:41 | 5h 46m |
G1988 | 15:27 | 21:40 | 6h 13m |
G1950 | 18:15 | 23:05 | 4h 50m |
G1942 | 18:09 | 23:43 | 5h 34m |
- In total 49 bullet trains from Zhengzhou to Shanghai. Trains listed above are some of them. The timetable above is for your reference only. Check Zhengzhou to Shanghai up-to-date schedules.
Shanghai-Zhengzhou High-Speed Train Ticket Fares
Business Class | First Class | Second Class |
US$207 (CNY1,421.5) | US$105 (CNY721.5) | US$66 (CNY453.5) |
Shanghai-Zhengzhou Regular Sleeper Trains
Quick Facts
- Terminals: Shanghai Railway Station (上海站), Zhengzhou Railway Station (郑州站)
- Duration: 9 to 14 hours
Recommended Shanghai to Zhengzhou Regular Train Schedules
(Updated on April 7th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
K2186 | 08:57 | 21:07 | 12h 10m |
Z376 | 13:55 | 22:48 | 8h 53m |
K282 | 20:45 | 08:55 (next day) | 12h 10m |
K152 | 22:00 | 09:06 (next day) | 11h 6m |
Recommended Zhengzhou to Shanghai Regular Train Schedules
(Updated on April 7th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
K558 | 00:18 | 14:12 | 13h 54m |
K154 | 18:13 | 06:39 (next day) | 12h 26m |
K1104 | 19:22 | 10:20 (next day) | 14h 58m |
K736 | 21:52 | 11:34 (next day) | 13h 42m |
Shanghai-Zhengzhou Regular Train Ticket Fares
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
US$51 (CNY348.5) | US$33 (CNY222.5) | US$19 (CNY128.5) |