Both high-speed trains and normal-speed sleeper trains are in service between Lanzhou and Chengdu. There are three pairs of high-speed trains travel between Chengdu East Railway Station and Lanzhou Railway Station.
The distance when traveling by normal-speed train between Lanzhou and Chengdu is about 828 to 1,172 kilometers (515 to 728 miles). About eight trains travel between these two cities every day. The journey duration is 10½ to 11½ hours, taking almost half a day. The train routes are different because of the departure cities. Some trains depart from Kashi, some depart from Xining, and some depart from Lanzhou.
Chengdu-Lanzhou High-Speed Trains
Quick Facts
- Terminals: Chengdu Railway East Station, Lanzhou Railway Station
- Duration: about 7 hours
- Distance: about 828 to 1,172 kilometers (515 to 728 miles)
Chengdu to Lanzhou High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on March 20th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
D168 | 11:53 | 19:41 | 7h 48m |
D188 | 13:39 | 20:58 | 7h 19m |
D164 | 14:30 | 21:46 | 7h 16m |
Please note: the timetable above is for your reference only. Check out the Chengdu to Lanzhou up-to-date schedules.
Lanzhou to Chengdu High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on March 20th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
D762 | 07:03 | 14:11 | 7h 8m |
D766 | 10:18 | 17:58 | 7h 40m |
Please note: the timetable above is for your reference only. Check out the Lanzhou to Chengdu up-to-date schedules.
Chengdu–Lanzhou High-Speed Train Ticket Fares
First Class | Second Class |
US$53 (CNY366) | US$33 (CNY230) |
Chengdu-Lanzhou Regular Trains
Quick Facts
- Terminals: Chengdu Railway Station, Lanzhou Railway Station
- Duration: 10½ to 11½ hours
- Distance: about 828 to 1,172 kilometers (515 to 728 miles)
Recommended Chengdu to Lanzhou High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on March 20th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
K856 | 08:41 | 21:21 | 12h 40m |
K2616 | 20:49 | 08:10 (next day) | 11h 21m |
Z372 | 23:58 | 10:27 (next day) | 10h 29m |
- Trains in the timetable are recommended because they travel at night. Thus will save you more daytime for sightseeing. You can also save a night's accomodation bill.
- Check out Lanzhou to Chengdu up-to-date schedules.
Recommended Lanzhou to Chengdu High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on March 20th, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
K454 | 00:04 | 10:57 | 10h 53m |
K195 | 15:42 | 05:38 | 13h 56m |
Z324 | 19:52 | 07:06 (next day) | 11h 14m |
K858 | 23:08 | 11:15 (next day) | 12h 7m |
- Check out Lanzhou to Chengdu up-to-date schedules.
Chengdu-Lanzhou Regular Train Ticket Fares
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
US$44 (CNY301) | US$28 (CNY194) | US$17 (CNY112) |
Lanzhou-Chengdu Train Travel Tips
Generally speaking, the airfare is about 1,200 CNY for a single trip. Sometimes, in the shoulder or low season, the discounts can be quite good and sometimes the cost is only a little higher than the price of a soft sleeper ticket.
However, passengers have to take into consideration the cost of transportation to and from the airports. A flight only takes about 1½ hours.