Kunming-Lijiang Train (Bullet Trains and Overnight Trains)
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Kunming-Lijiang Train (Bullet Trains and Overnight Trains)

Written by Fabio Updated Mar. 5, 2024

Between Kunming and Lijiang railway stations, travelers can choose from 12 pairs of high-speed trains, offering a journey duration of 3 to 4 hours. First-class tickets are priced at US$40, while second-class tickets cost US$26.

Additionally, an overnight tourist train operates between Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan Province, and Lijiang, renowned as a premier tourist destination. Covering a distance of 520 kilometers (322 miles), this scenic journey takes approximately 8 to 9 hours, with departures from both Kunming and Lijiang Railway Stations during the night, arriving early in the morning. Soft sleeper and hard sleeper accommodations are available on this train

Kunming-Lijiang High-Speed Train

14 pairs of high-speed trains running between Kunming and Lijiang every day. They all terminate at Lijiang and Kunming railway stations, the same train station that serve overnight trains between Kunming and Lijiang. Two of the three trains also stop at Kunming South Station as an intermediate station.

Basic Information

  • Distance: 520 kilometers (322 miles)
  • Duration: 3-4 hours
  • Terminals: Kunming Railway Station, Lijiang Railway Station
  • Stops: Kunming, Chuxiong, Xiangyun, Heqing, Lijiang
Kunming to Lijiang Scenic Railway MapKunming to Lijiang Scenic Railway Map

Kunming-Lijiang High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on March 5th, 2024)

From Kunming to Lijiang
Train Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration
D8793 06:50 10:33 3h 43m
C446 08:20 12:29 4h 9m
C642 09:15 13:20 4h 5m
D8796 11:13 15:16 3h 33m
D3941 14:29 18:27 3h 58m
C458 17:25 22:07 4h 42m
From Lijiang to Kunming
Train Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration
C452 07:55 12:05 4h 10m
D3942 11:05 14:31 3h 26m
C456 12:55 17:02 4h 7m
D8794 16:20 19:52 3h 32m
D8798 18:48 22:15 3h 27m
C644 20:05 23:54 3h 49m

Search for a train and make a booking now.

Kunming-Lijiang High-Speed Train Ticket Prices

Business Class First Class Second Class
US$76 (CNY544) US$41 (CNY290) US$25 (CNY182)

bullet train and ordinary train, China Train

Kunming-Lijiang Overnight Train

Basic Information

  • Distance: 520 kilometers (322 miles)
  • Duration: 9 hours
  • Terminals: Kunming Railway Station, Lijiang Railway Station
  • Stops: Kunming, Lijiang

Kunming-Lijiang Overnight Train Schedule

(Updated on March 5th, 2024)

Kunming to Lijiang
Train Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration
Y752 21:18 07:10 (next day) 9h 42m

Check up-to-date schedules for Kunming to Lijiang overnight trains.

Lijiang to Kunming Overnight Train Schedule

(Updated on May 17th, 2023)

Lijiang to Kunming
Train Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration
Y754 20:20 05:32 (next day) 9h 12m

Kunming-Lijiang Overnight Train Ticket Price

Soft Sleeper Hard Sleeper
US$27 (CNY186) US$18 (CNY123)

seat classes on Kunming to Lijiang trains, China Train

What's the Difference Between Seat Classes

1. VIP Cabin: this class of sleeper car only appears on train K9686. VIP cabins can accommodate up to 3 persons. There is a lower berth and an upper berth in a private cabin, with a lockable door. The lower berth is wider than an ordinary berth, and which can sleep 2 people. The upper berth is standard size for single occupancy.

You may buy a ticket for a whole cabin, and share the cabin with one or two companions without the need for extra tickets. If you are a group of 3 persons, then this class is perfect for you. The cost would be the same as soft sleeper.

2. Soft sleeper: this class has 4 bunks in a private compartment, with a lockable door.

3. Hard sleeper: hard sleeper car consists of open-plan compartments, with 6 bunks in each compartment.

Things to Do in Lijiang

Lijiang Ancient Town: Constructed in the late 13th century, the ancient city of Lijiang is a captivating destination offering insights into the cultures of various minority ethnic groups. Immerse yourself in the splendor of its intricate wooden architecture.

Baisha Village: Step back in time at Baisha Village, renowned for its historical significance and remarkable Naxi ethnic artwork. Marvel at the ancient 300-year-old murals, exquisite traditional costumes, and well-preserved houses.

Jade Dragon Snow MountainJade Dragon Snow Mountain

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain: Reach for the skies at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, standing majestically at an altitude of 5,596 meters (18,359 feet). Embark on an unforgettable journey by taking a cable car ride to the Yunshanping terrace, situated at 3,240 meters (10,630 feet), for a panoramic view of the awe-inspiring snow-capped peaks.

To explore these enchanting destinations further, please reach out via email to vivi@chinahighlights.com.

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