The Guilin-Dali train route is an extension of the Guilin-Kunming railway. There are no direct trains between Guilin and Dali before that time. Three pairs of high-speed trains operate on this route daily from 08:30 to 09:35.
If their schedules are not suitable for you, you can consider transferring in Kunming because more than 20 trains run from Kunming to Dali daily and vice versa.
Quick Facts
- Distance: 1,452 kilometers (902 miles)
- Terminals: Guilin Railway Station, Guilin North Railway Station, Dali Railway Station
- Duration: 9½-10 hours
- Main stops: Guilin, Nanning, Kunming, Dali
Guilin to Dali High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on March 22nd, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
D3949 | 08:24 | 18:17 | 9h 53m |
D3953 | 09:01 | 19:02 | 10h 1m |
D3961 | 09:35 | 19:54 | 10h 19m |
- Please note: The timetable is just for your reference.
- If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.
Dali to Guilin High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on March 22nd, 2024)
Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
D3934 | 08:40 | 18:40 | 10h |
D3946 | 11:08 | 20:34 | 9h 26m |
D3954 | 12:55 | 22:00 | 9h 5m |
Guilin to Dali High-Speed Train Ticket Fares
First Class | Second Class |
US$127 (CNY890.5) | US$80 (CNY558) |
Station Information
The trains on this route operate at two different railway stations in Guilin. Please carefully select the railway station that's closest to your hotel before booking a train ticket. There is only one railway station in Dali. Read the information about this station below:
Dali Railway Station
- Chinese name: 大理站
- Address: 261 Weishan Road, Xiaguan Town, Dali, Yunnan Province
- Chinese address: 大理市下关镇巍山路261号
You can take a bus from Dali to Shangri-La, which takes about 8 hours. Alternatively, you can take a normal-speed train from Dali to Lijiang, then take a bus from Lijiang to Shangri-La (about 4 hours).
You might also be interested in reading our Dali Travel Guide.