Hangzhou-Nanjing High-Speed Trains
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Hangzhou-Nanjing High-Speed Trains

Written by Fabio Updated Jun. 4, 2024

Hangzhou to Nanjing high-speed trains run frequently with the travel time of 1 to 4 hours. 125 pairs of high-speed trains travel between Hangzhou / Hangzhou East railway stations and Nanjing / Nanjing South railway stations. 

Quick Facts

Hangzhou to Nanjing High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on June 4th, 2024)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G172 06:50 08:19 1h 29m
G594 08:25 09:55 1h 30m
G590 09:13 10:42 1h 29m
G1420 11:18 12:42 1h 24m
G7592 15:01 18:26 3h 25m
G7192 17:02 19:46 2h 44m
G1606 20:32 22:00 1h 28m
  • Hangzhou to Nanjing bullet trains operate at different train stations in both cities. Please pay attention to which railway station your train departs from / arrives at when you book train tickets.
  • Check out Hangzhou to Nanjing high-speed train schedules.

Nanjing to Hangzhou High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on June 4th, 2024)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G7625 06:48 08:23 1h 35m
G7393 08:02 09:24 1h 22m
G295 10:00 11:26 1h 26m
G7595 11:03 13:51 2h 48m
G7669 12:29 13:45 1h 16m
G1677 16:28 17:49 1h 21m
G39 22:20 23:21 1h 1m
  • Nanjing to Hangzhou bullet trains operate at different train stations in both cities. Please pay attention to which railway station your train departs from / arrives at when you book train tickets.
  • Check out Nanjing to Hangzhou high-speed train schedules.

Hangzhou-Nanjing High-Speed Train Ticket Fares

Train Type Business Class First Class Second Class
G Train US$53 (CNY409) US$28 (CNY212) US$17 (CNY130)
D Train   US$22 (CNY160) US$14 (CNY100)

Hangzhou-Nanjing Normal-Speed Trains

Besides high-speed trains, there are also normal-speed trains traveling between Hangzhou and Nanjing. They run at a lower speed than high-speed trains with the travel time of 4 to 8 hours. Soft sleeper, hard sleeper and hard seat costs USD 29, USD 20 and USD 10, respectively. Sleeper classes are recommended if you take a normal-speed train.

There are four pairs of normal-speed trains that run overnight. They are a good alternative choice if you need to depart during night and can also save you a night's hotel bill.

Travel Tips

1.High-speed trains are recommended for this trip due to its frequency, high-speed and short travel time. It makes a one-day-tour easier between two cities. Besides, bullet trains are better equipped and provide more comfortable travel experience.

2. High-speed trains operate at different train stations in both sides. It is more convenient to choose a train that operates at the train station that is closer to your hotel.

  • In the city of Hangzhou, Hangzhou Railway Station is closer to the city center than Hangzhou East Railway Station. But both stations are well connected by metro line 1 and 4.
  • In Nanjing, Nanjing South Railway Station and Nanjing Railway Station operate bullet trains to Hangzhou. Both train stations can be reached by metro line 1 and 3 and city buses.
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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China