Jinan-Nanjing Trains
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Jinan-Nanjing Trains

Written by Fabio Updated May. 16, 2023

The Jinan-Nanjing train route links the two capitals of Shandong and Jiangsu. More than 90 pairs of trains are in service on a daily basis. Eighty pairs are G category high-speed trains. The shortest journey duration is 1 hour 57 minutes. The second-class seats cost about 40 USD per ticket.

Jinan-Nanjing High-Speed Trains

Quick Facts

Jinan to Nanjing High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on May 16th, 2023)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G2661 06:27 09:31 3h 4m
G1731 07:32 10:36 3h 4m
G281 09:28 12:04 2h 36m
G33 10:21 12:20 1h 59m
G267 12:06 14:45 2h 39m
  • Please note: The timetable is just for your reference.
  • If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.

Nanjing to Jinan High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on May 16th, 2023)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G2578 07:16 10:04 2h 48m
G32 08:58 10:55 1h 57m
G2668 09:24 12:08 2h 44m
G176 10:26 13:09 2h 43m
G134 13:56 16:48 2h 52m

Jinan to Nanjing High-Speed Train Ticket Fares

Business Class First Class Second Class
US$156 (CNY1,085) US$70 (CNY487) US$42 (CNY290)

Jinan-Nanjing Normal-Speed Trains

Quick Facts

Jinan to Nanjing Normal-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on May 16th, 2023)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
K515 05:46 13:35 7h 49m
K347 11:16 19:53 8h 37m
K335 16:56 00:57 (next day) 8h 1m
T135 17:36 01:15 (next day) 7h 39m
  • Please note: The timetable is just for your reference.
  • If you want up-to-date schedules, you can use the search tool at the top of this page or search via our China Highlights train ticket service.

Nanjing to Jinan Normal-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on May 16th, 2023)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
K102 00:58 09:12 8h 14m
K348 07:17 16:18 9h 1m
T132 17:45 00:51 (next day) 7h 6m
K1332 23:24 08:27 (next day) 9h 3m

Jinan to Nanjing Normal-Speed Train Ticket Fares

Superior Soft Sleeper Soft Sleeper Hard Sleeper Hard Seat
US$64 (CNY442) US$35 (CNY243) US$23 (CNY158) US$13 (CNY91)

Station Information

As you can see from the 'terminals' section above, the normal-speed trains run between Jinan Railway Station and Nanjing Railway Station.

Most of the high-speed trains operate between Jinan West Railway Station and Nanjing South Railway Station but a few operate between Jinan Railway Station and Nanjing South Railway Station.

You need to pay attention to the stations before departure.

Nanjing South Railway Station

  • Chinese name: 南京南站
  • Address: 98 Yulan Road, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing
  • Chinese address: 南京市雨花台区玉兰路98号

Subway Lines at Nanjing South Railway Station

  • Subway lines 1, 3, S1, and S3 are in service, and S6 is under construction.
  • Subway lines 1 and 3 operate between Nanjing South Railway Station and Nanjing Railway Station, with the journey costing 5 CNY and taking 40 minutes.
  • Line S1 operates between Nanjing South Railway Station and Nanjing Lukou International Airport, costing 7 CNY and taking 50 minutes for the trip.
  • Line S3 operates between Nanjing South Railway Station and Gaojiachong Station, with the journey costing 7 CNY and taking 57 minutes. Line S3 is the only one cross to the Yangtze River via the bridge.

You can read more about Nanjing South Railway Station.

How to Choose Seat Types on a High-Speed Train

As you can see in the table for ticket fares above for high-speed trains, the prices vary for different classes, even within the same class. Do you know what the seat differences are between them? Spend a minute to read the information below:

Business Class First Class Second Class
  • Most luxurious
  • 3 seats in a row (2+1)
  • VIP lounge in the station
  • Fully reclining
  • Free meal on some trains
  • Flat-screen TVs
  • Power outlet available
  • Comfortable ride
  • 4 seats in a row (2+2)
  • Partially reclining
  • Foldable table, a pillow, and a footrest
  • Power outlet available
  • The most affordable
  • 5 seats in a row (3+2)
  • Often crowded
  • Power outlet available

For further reading:

How to Choose Between Train Types and Seat Classes in China

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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China