Beijing-Chengdu Trains
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Beijing-Chengdu Trains

Written by Fabio Updated Mar. 8, 2024

Between Beijing and Chengdu, travelers have the choice of high-speed trains or regular overnight trains. High-speed trains: Five pairs of high-speed trains operate between Beijing West Railway Station and Chengdu East Railway Station, with travel times ranging from 7.5 to 10 hours.

Regular overnight trains: Alternatively, regular overnight trains are available for a more relaxed journey, taking approximately 30 hours between Beijing West Railway Station and Chengdu Railway Station. The fastest overnight train is D49, because it operates with the Fuxing Hao train type, which is the fastest high-speed train in China.

Beijing-Chengdu High-Speed Train

beijing to chengdu high speed railway map, China bullet train

Beijing to Chengdu High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on March 8th, 2024)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G87 07:00 14:32 7h 32m
G307 09:10 18:55 9h 45m
G387 09:29 19:00 9h 31m
G331 09:45 21:05 11h 20m
G89 15:00 22:31 7h 31m

Click to see more Beijing train schedules

Chengdu to Beijing High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on March 8th, 2024)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G88 06:55 14:26 7h 31m
G333 08:55 19:06 10h 11m
G388 10:22 20:00 9h 38m
G308 10:56 22:20 9h 24m
G90 15:00 22:32 7h 32m

Click to see more Chengdu train schedules.

Beijing-Chengdu High-Speed Train Ticket Price

Business class First class Second class
US$334 (CNY2,410) US$166 (CNY1,191.5) US$104 (CNY745)

second class on beijing to chengdu high-speed train

Beijing-Chengdu Overnight Train

  • Distance: 2,100-2,200 kilometers (1,302-1,364 miles)
  • Number of trains: 1 D-train (Fuxing hao), 1 T-train (express train), 4 K-trains (fast train)
  • Terminals: Beijing West Railway Station, Chengdu Railway Station, Chengdu East Railway Station
  • Duration: 21 to 33.5 hours

Beijing to Chengdu Overnight Train Schedules

The timetables below are only for your reference. To check up-to-date Beijing to Chengdu and return train schedules, please use the search box at the top of this page, or click here.

(Updated on April 24th, 2023)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
K817 08:04 11:21 (next day) 27h 17m
D49 11:08 07:55 (next day) 20h 47m
K545 12:50 22:21 (next day) 33h 31m
T7 16:43 20:57 (next day) 28h 14m

Chengdu to Beijing Overnight Train Schedules

(Updated on April 24th, 2023)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
T8 08:10 12:36 (next day) 28h 26m
K818 18:02 21.13 (next day) 27h 11m
K 118 23:04 05:18 (next day) 30h 14m

Beijing–Chengdu Overnight Train Ticket Prices

Soft Sleeper Hard Sleeper Hard Seat
US$114 (772 CNY) US$72 (493 CNY) US$38 (259 CNY)

Which Train to Choose?

High-Speed Train Vs Regular Overnight Train

1. Travel Time

Between Beijing and Chengdu, high-speed trains are much faster than regular overnight trains. Taking high-speed trains save a lot more time on the way.

2. Facilities

Facilities on high-speed trains are newer, more modern and advanced than on regular overnight trains.

Facilities on high-speed trains

3. Transportation from Train Stations

In Beijing, high-speed trains between Beijing and Chengdu have the same terminus as regular overnight trains: Beijing West Railway Station.

In Chengdu, Beijing-Chengdu bullet trains terminate at Chengdu East Railway Station, which is far from the city center but conveniently connected to Chengdu Metro Line 2 and Line 7.

Beijing-Chengdu overnight trains arrive at Chengdu Railway Station, which is centrally located in downtown and can be reached by Chengdu Metro Line 1 and Line 7.

4. The overnight train ticket is cheaper than a high-speed train ticket

The hard sleeper (US$72 per ticket) on regular overnight trains is cheaper than a second-class (US$118 per ticket) on high-speed trains, which is a good choice for budget travelers.

Other Tips

1. For high-speed trains, trains G88 and G89 from Beijing to Chengdu, trains G90 and G350 from Chengdu to Beijing are better choices, for their fewer stops along the way and shorter travel times,

2. For regular overnight trains, trains T7/T8 are the fastest. And ticket fares for this pair of trains are the cheapest.

Beijing to Chengdu, Train Vs Airplane

Airplane is Much Faster than Train

Taking a flight from Beijing to Chengdu is much faster than taking a high-speed train, even if include the time to travel to/from the airports, and for airport boarding. The flight duration from Beijing to Chengdu is 3 hours. While the fastest train takes 7 hours 45 minutes.

Overnight Train Ticket is Cheaper than Flight Ticket

Regular overnight train ticket is the cheapest among all the ways of transportation between Beijing and Chengdu. But it also takes the longest time. When taking an overnight train between those two cities, sleeper classes (soft sleeper and hard sleeper) are recommended.

Airfare is More Competitive than High-Speed Train Ticket Price

An economy class ticket on an airplane from Beijing to Chengdu is about the same price as a first-class ticket on the high-speed trains. But when there is good discount on airfare, a flight ticket can be cheaper than a second-class ticket on high-speed trains.

Train is More Punctual

Trains are less affected by the weather, thus are more punctual than airplanes. There is a high probability of delays when the flight encounters bad weather. In contrast, trains, especially high-speed trains are well-schedules and 99% on time.

It is more Comfortable and More Fun to Travel by Train

The seats on trains are usually more spacious than on airplanes. And you can walk around to stretch your legs when making a rail trip. Trains also provides more window views to local lives along the way.

When traveling by train between Beijing and Chengdu, taking a train is more entertaining. You can surf the Internet on your mobile phone. But on an airplane, you have to swift to flight mode.

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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China