Beijing-Suzhou Train
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Beijing-Suzhou Train

Written by Fabio Updated Mar. 13, 2024

Trains between Beijing and Suzhou include 20 pairs of daytime high-speed trains, one pair of high-speed overnight trains and three pairs of normal-speed overnight trains. All the trains between Beijing and Suzhou have a stop at Shanghai.

Daytime high-speed trains (G trains) run bewteen Beijing South Railway Station and Suzhou North Railway Station, which are both far away from downtown. High-speed train (D train) and normal-speed overnight trains operate at centrally located Beijing South Railway Station and Suzhou Railway Station. High-Speed trains take 4 to 6 hours to cover 1,141 kilometers (709 miles); overnight trains take 11 to 17 hours traveling between Beijing and Suzhou.

Beijing-Suzhou High-Speed Trains

Quick Facts

Beijing to Suzhou High-Speed Train Schedule

(Updated on March 13th, 2024)

Train Numbers Departure Arrival Duration
G109 07:45 13:16 5h 31m
G5 09:00 13:10 4h 10m
G129 11:18 17:09 5h 51m
G15 14:00 18:08 4h 8m
D9 19:36 06:50 (next day) 11h 14m

Beijing to Suzhou up-to-date train schedules.

Suzhou to Beijing High-Speed Train Schedule

(Updated on March 13th, 2024)

Train Numbers Departure Arrival Duration
G4 07:24 11:40 4h 16m
G128 11:45 17:22 5h 37m
G142 14:47 20:10 5h 23m
G24 17:23 21:33 4h 10m
D10 22:10 09:24 (next day) 11h 14m

Beijing to Suzhou High-Speed Train Ticket Fares

Business Class First Class Second Class
US$274 (CNY1,891) US$133 (CNY917) US$79 (CNY545)

Beijing-Suzhou Normal-Speed Trains

Quick Facts

  • Shortest duration: 14 hours and 4 minutes
  • Terminals: Beijing Railway Station (北京站), Beijing Fengtai Railway Station (北京丰台), Suzhou Railway Station (苏州北站)
  • Main stops: Beijing, Tianjin, Nanjing, Suzhou

Beijing to Suzhou Normal-Speed Train Schedule

(Updated on March 13th, 2024)

Train Numbers Departure Arrival Duration
1461 11:56 05:37 (next day) 17h 41m
T109 20:03 10:04 (next day) 14h 1m

Suzhou to Beijing Normal-Speed Train Schedule

(Updated on March 13th, 2024)

Train Numbers Departure Arrival Duration
1462 13:25 10:46 (next day) 21h 21m
T110 17:25 08:32 (next day) 15h 7m

Beijing to Suzhou Normal-Speed Train Ticket Fares

Soft Sleeper Hard Sleeper Hard Seat
US$63 (CNY450.5) US$41 (CNY288.5) US$24 (CNY168.5)

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