Weather: August is the first or second hottest month. It is often sunny and often rainy too. The average nightly low temperature is 25 °C (77 °F), and the average daily high temperature is 32 °C (90 °F). It rains about 8 days of the month, and total precipitation is about 133 mm.
Watch out for extreme weather. There were extremely hot days with temperatures reaching 41 °C (105 °F) in August recently. Typhoons sometimes bring torrential rains and high winds. The main typhoon season is in September and October. Keep abreast of the current Suzhou weather and forecast>>
Clothing: Summer clothing is adequate. Bring a swimsuit if you plan to swim, and bring long-sleeve clothing for possible cool rainy days. On sunny days, take protective clothing such as a hat and long sleeves to protect against sunburn.
Things to Do in Suzhou in August
Go to the Humble Administrator's Garden

The Humble Administrator's Garden: August and July are the two months when visitors can enjoy lotus flowers, and the Lotus Festival is held annually in the Humble Administrator's Garden during these two months. The garden is known for a pond with a lot of lotuses growing. If you go to Suzhou during this month, you can taste lotus root dishes as well as enjoy the lotus flower scenery.
The garden is one of several large, internationally recognized traditional gardens that are the tourist highlights of the city. They have long histories, and this garden was constructed in 1509. It is called one of China's top four traditional gardens. It measures 52,000 square meters (12 acres). The pond has a lot of birds of various types.
See Tiger Hill Park

Climb Tiger Hill: This is a place for a two hour walk or several hours of relaxation. If the better known traditional gardens are crowded in August, Tiger Hill Park is an alternative. This garden is a medium-sized garden (14,000 square meters, 3.4 acres) compared to Suzhou's other gardens. Three acres isn't big, but when you are walking the winding paths around the 36 meter high artificial hill, if seems like you are in a bigger park.
You can take a two or three hour walk inside. The park has pavilions and a variety of gardens that tourists appreciate. A thousand year old brick pagoda sits on top of the hill. It is 7 stories tall and leans slightly, so it is called the "Leaning Tower of China" for its height and history.
Enjoy Mogan Mountain
Hike or Relax at Moganshan: In August's sweltering summer, Moganshan is a place to go to. It is a three hour drive from Suzhou, but Moganshan is such a regional highlight in the summer that it might be worth the trip for a day of hiking or a relaxing stay at a hotel or villa.
Its high elevation and natural beauty is what has made it a favorite retreat center for both Chinese government officials and foreigners. There are also tea plantations where you can taste the tea and buy what you like if you are a Chinese tea connoisseur.
About a hundred years ago, many villas and houses were constructed by foreigners, and the architectural styles of several countries are evident. Some of these have been turned into hotels where you can stay. The 724 meters (2,375 feet) elevation makes it appreciably cooler, and it is a place to go for hikes and relaxation.
Suzhou August Weather Data Graphs
Touring Suzhou in August
High Travel Season
August is the high travel season, and the city's summer attractions such as Moganshan and the local gardens are crowded. So let us help you make your reservations in advance. Travel tickets and accommodations may be difficult to get, and to avoid the hassle, we can use our experience to help you book them. Though the prices for train tickets, air travel, and target hotel accommodations are high, perhaps we can help you find discounts.
Recommended Tour Packages
A 2-day Tour of Suzhou's Exquisite Gardens: This tour includes prime water and garden highlights for August. Enjoy the water by motorboat on the Grand Canal. And see the Lingering Garden, the Humble Administrator's Garden, and Tiger Hill. There is a rickshaw ride in a hutong too.
You can modify these tours while booking, or design your own our.
Further Reading
Suzhou Climate Information by Month
- Suzhou Weather in January
- Suzhou Weather in February
- Suzhou Weather in March
- Suzhou Weather in April
- Suzhou Weather in May
- Suzhou Weather in June
- Suzhou Weather in July
- Suzhou Weather in August
- Suzhou Weather in September
- Suzhou Weather in October
- Suzhou Weather in November
- Suzhou Weather in December